The Greenfield Notebook

UF Miami-Dade County Extension serving Ornamental Production Industry

Strong Tree Roots in the Nursery and Landscape September 4, 2013

If you work in the Green industry, you are invited to attend the 2013 Workshop hosted by The University of Florida/IFAS Extension in Miami-Dade:

 Strong Tree Roots in the Nursery and Landscape:

Improving Tree Health and Anchorage

This program is offered every 2 years and you can’t miss it.

You will learn about root problems, anchorage, grading, inspection issues and about  trees in the nursery and landscape. There will be hands-on time with more than 25 samples to work with.

CEUS: 4 FNGLA, 2 FDACS Pesticide, 3 LIAF, ISA.

Main Speaker: UF/IFAS Dr. Ed Gilman

He has assembled a unique urban tree teaching program for helping municipalities, contractors, arborists, educators, growers, landscapers, and others design and implement programs for promoting better tree health in cities. He conducts educational programs in tree selection, nursery production, and urban tree management nation-wide for a large variety of audiences. He has published more than 96 scientific peer reviewed journal articles in his 30 years in academia and working with the industry. His research emphasizes tree pruning, nursery production, anchorage, and tree establishment. He has published more than 150 technical articles in newsletters and trade magazines and annually presents research results to colleagues at professional meetings across the US and other countries. He is the author of six books and maintains a massive web site on urban trees.

For more information open the attached flyer or hurry up and go to the Registration:  Online registration HERE

Your Miami-Dade UF/IFAS Comm. Horticulture Extension Agent

Vanessa Campoverde